Goals: (if possible)
-work with an environmental consulting firm like EDAW (www.edaw.com) and be an outdoor field biologist, either working with air quality control, water quality control, or wildlife biologist. Basically working outside, assessing and gathering data to see if things such as the air quality is suitable for a populace or if they comply to environmental laws such as CEQA (environmental impact reports).
-(more technical) work with an environmental consulting firm that monitors air quality, and other industrial hygienes such as asbestos, etc, from different clients such as U.S army, office buildings etc, while getting training through EPA. (what I really want to do.) I think theres less writing in this one. (seems more fun). I actually applied to a job that had this, they contacted me back, I filled out a long questionairre filled with long essays, but now its been a week, i think I FAIL.
-I just want to find a job I am gonna like, I don't care if I don't make six zeroes, I'll be happy with anything from $40,000-50,000 a year....but even now....THAT might even be asking for too much.
Why I want to work outside?...I think my internship influenced me a lot. freakin relaxing. (where I collected all my little marine animal buddies haha)
I actually had to make a poster for my research project that I have been working on yesterday. My principle instructor needed something to describe what our project is, and why we are doing it, in a quick simple poster display. I had to put some of the coooolest organisms that I've found of course. Sabellid, Amphipod, Neriid, Ophiuriod, Bryozoans, Limpets, Caprellids, Nudibranch!!!!!
Some of the coolest meiofauna I've collected and photographed.
2.Mean Cancer (Crab*) haha
8. Amphipod
9. Limpet
10. Pycnogonid
11. Spionid
12. Taniaid