Just about everyone I know has asked me this question over the last four years. I think I finally have a solid answer. After going to a networking event with Mowang for environmental careers with professionals in San Diego and interviewing with over 10 professionals from different companies, I think I finally know what I want to do (about freaking time). Recently, I've been somewhat regretting about being an environmental major and should have just been a full biology major student since half of the classes I took were all biology related. But after attending this event, I felt much better about sticking to what I want to do.
Goals: (if possible) -work with an environmental consulting firm like EDAW (www.edaw.com) and be an outdoor field biologist, either working with air quality control, water quality control, or wildlife biologist. Basically working outside, assessing and gathering data to see if things such as the air quality is suitable for a populace or if they comply to environmental laws such as CEQA (environmental impact reports).
-(more technical) work with an environmental consulting firm that monitors air quality, and other industrial hygienes such as asbestos, etc, from different clients such as U.S army, office buildings etc, while getting training through EPA. (what I really want to do.) I think theres less writing in this one. (seems more fun). I actually applied to a job that had this, they contacted me back, I filled out a long questionairre filled with long essays, but now its been a week, i think I FAIL.
Conclusion -I just want to find a job I am gonna like, I don't care if I don't make six zeroes, I'll be happy with anything from $40,000-50,000 a year....but even now....THAT might even be asking for too much.
Why I want to work outside?...I think my internship influenced me a lot. freakin relaxing. (where I collected all my little marine animal buddies haha)
I actually had to make a poster for my research project that I have been working on yesterday. My principle instructor needed something to describe what our project is, and why we are doing it, in a quick simple poster display. I had to put some of the coooolest organisms that I've found of course. Sabellid, Amphipod, Neriid, Ophiuriod, Bryozoans, Limpets, Caprellids, Nudibranch!!!!!
Some of the coolest meiofauna I've collected and photographed. 1.Caprellid 2.Mean Cancer (Crab*) haha 3.Flatworm 4.Gastropod 5.Isopod 6.Nudibranch 7.Syllid 8. Amphipod 9. Limpet 10. Pycnogonid 11. Spionid 12. Taniaid
So today, April 21st, I decided I would give this blogging thing a try. It feels like Xanga all over again. I think the whole point of making this blog is to be able to look at this maybe a good couple of years from now, and see how much life has changed. I believe after my last quarter here at college, a whole new lifestage is going to be ahead of me. While I am relaxing here in SD on my last quarter, taking only two classes, I feel like I am still stressed about finding a job. Nevertheless, I realize I should just enjoy the freedom and college life while I still can.
These couple of weeks have been very interesting and fun, going kayaking, some parties, and kickbacks. Two very important things came into my mind this last spring quarter.
Family and Friends.
Family: Returning and living back at home has been on my mind since the beginning of this year now. While I always miss my family and my dog, I am afraid I might easily get annoyed by them once I see them everyday! However, I realized family has still been pretty important to me, as I wouldn't know what would happen if I had lost them. I was actually watching basketball videos since NBA playoffs has been going on. I have recently really liked Dwyane Wade a lot, and I came across this video. The way he related to his sister, really made me think about my relationship to my oldest sister, and of course my middle sister.
His sister is also 5 years older! and always bought him clothes and shoes.. I still wear Jordans shorts my sister bought me back in 8th grade ! (they still fit me surprisingly). I must say without my oldest sister, I really wouldn't have been here today, getting a B.S. in college. She was like my second mom when my parents were always in Hong Kong throughout my childhood. My sister also made me realize what we have today, we might not have tommorrow, anything can happen. She told me recently her close friend's father had just passed away from cancer, and it made her miss my dad a lot. While my dad can be annoying as hell sometimes, I notice I always miss that old man. He can literally be happy just by talking to him for a couple of minutes on the phone. I also can't forget my middle sister helping me fight off black people when I got my ass jumped in a literally all black school near Haight Street in Frisco. While I learned about a lot of my past family drama from my dad and mom's side recently from trips to Hong Kong, I try to put that aside, and realize that no one is perfect, let alone a family. There are always two sides to a story, but ultimately I rather not hear about it, and move on..
I just came back from dinner from COCO'S with my roommate which I am sure I will miss hanging around and just talking and singing to chinese songs with (He's mexican haha). We actually had a very deep conversation. He told me he wouldn't care about anyone, even his family. Of course I had asked why, but he said he just came from a bad family background where no one really cared for each other. While we had many things in common, our family backgrounds seemed like opposites. This again, made me think that family can be so important to some, while not at all to others. It just made me realize how crazy that one's environment can influence someone on such a great level. I guess this means that maybe its also true then, that you can see one's personality by looking at their friends!
After college, I realize it might be a lil tough to see all my sd friends. Everyone is going their separate ways, and some are already as far as across the globe! I actually had a very very interesting night with them yesterday night on 420. Let's just say life was in slow motion for the first time and I laughed a lot cause of a lil sumtn' sumtn'. haha. My group of small but very close friends from sd and the bay has always been there for me especially these last four tough life changing years! Although my two close friends from the bay (alfy alf and wes) I rarely see except on breaks, I will never forget our inside language LOL (yo the bo, and the 'd!) hahaha.
this blog is a good way to save some good memories I guess...also if I do get pissed in the future at my sisters or anything, I'll look back at this and be like OHHHHH yeah I still love them. HA!