Now off the weekend shift since Jan '11, back on the weekdays, trained on every assay in the department, learned some assays from QC Micro, and even started training people now . Man, time really flies. It's funny to see how I was so set on graduate school right out of college, and now I am trying to take that route 2 years later, but struggling to study with 40hour work weeks now. And to think that, if I hadn't stayed at Genentech May of last year, I would've taken that English teaching job in Korea right now. Wonder what would've happened then?
Two of my favorite assays I've learned at my job this past year. TOC Total Organic Carbon and LAL Limulus Amebocyte Lysate to detect endotoxin. I've learned a lot in this job, yet sometimes I feel like its not the environmental route I really wanna take.
Time to holla at some water and em samples! gowning up like this errrday! I remember when I first started it took me forever to put it on...after doing it so many times..its cakewalk now.
It's nice to feel like I got something to write about soon. I can't wait to post stuff for my vacation to Beijing, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in 2 weeks. Taking my GREs in 2 weeks...definitely do not have my hopes up, and expecting the worst.
I've been HELLA wanting to get bad that I scheduled my trip RIGHT AFTER I take my GREs, then I'M OFF TO ASIA!
So far mid year 2011...its been a very ehhhh year...lots of working world politics I guess, my dog having to go through a 5000 dollar surgery and having to pay half of it :(...lots of drama..I was ALSO supposed to go to Japan, but failed with my third attempt due to the earthquake. I guess I was lucky enough not to be there when it happened :/ ...I wouldn't have been able to gone through all of my bullcrap this past year, if it wasn't for my 2 closest childhood friends. Man, its crazy how we used to bitch about middle school homework and where to play in the neighborhood. Now we talk about paying bills, where to find jobs, what the hell to do with life.
stupid picture. throwback. my niggs.
Damn there goes one year since I updated this!
Now hopefully I can finally have some fun in Asia for two and a half weeks with my whole year's worth of saved up paid-vacation days.