Saturday, May 22, 2010

Genentech- "We'd strongly like you to be on the weekend'll learn a lot more!" ohh what?!

..After weeks of searching and scrambling for a new job in February before my temp contract was up at Genentech QCI, I managed to land a regular term position doing Environmental Monitoring and Bioburden after 3 long hours of interviewing. After working here in EMB for a week, I realized the training is insanely intense! Supposedly, to be a fully trained analyst in EMB takes 9 months! What a fast paced department. I had to take so much notes...took me a good hour to type up all of felt like college..I'm learning something again...something I wanna do too! I am so thankful for the referrals that my friend and supervisor gave to my new manager. It was such a coincidence that my supervisor was very close to my new manager. The crappy news is that I am moving to a weekend shift...

Working on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays from 8-6:30pm....and then getting Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off...

My social life is basically gone! but a job is a job in this economy.. ...I guess what happened was during the interview, I told them I was willing to learn new stuff and work on as much stuff as I could, and the weekend manager wanted me to be in his group... Supposedly, the weekend people work on more assays, monitoring, and more cross-training in other depts. (so they say).

I'm happy I'm finally a blue badge at Genentech...the temp/regulars segregation was very apparent throughout the months I've worked here. It feels good to be able to take advantage of some benefits and be part of the Genentech Community. No more paying 140 a month just for medical insurance! More money to pay off my car now, and pay off the mortgage and bills. Finally some money I can spend on and save up. Finally get to eat out more!!!!

I'm gonna miss my QCI group a lot and B29. Too bad I didn't take a group picture. No more taking 2 hour lunches and watching Ironman 2. No more Jollibee runs at Tanforan!! :( My lunch hours are so strict now..

No more messing around with Achilles in the front lobby checking out accidents/chemical spills/gas leaks that happen every so often on the security cameras, or just chilling playing fuseball. Good times! Probably the chillest job in the last 10 months while being able to learn a lot of new things. (Sorry Achilles I just had to put this picture up of you...for good memories! haha!)

I'll definitely miss everyone else in my QCI Group. Gonna miss talking about random stuff in everyday life...the deuces...the gym workouts...the ladies...videogames..cussing at each other in cantonese...making up stupid names to call each other....blasting music in the inspection room and having our mini-karoake sessions! Gonna miss those free Genentech-paid-for Japanese buffet runs that we so often get in QCI. Very grateful to have had a such a good first out of college full-time job with a really cool supervisor and group. I guess theres always a time when everyone has to move on and do what they gotta do.

I won't be seeing these glass vials for awhile!

These last couple of months have been very surprising...just before the Genentech offer, I was about to be shipped out to South Korea to teach English. I cancelled the last minute once I found out I got the job at EMB. I had prepared all my paperwork and had just finished 2 rounds of interviews.

I would have been teaching at this place called Chungdahm Institute somewhere near Seoul. I was pretty desperate to travel to Asia and experience life there and Korea would've been just fine to fulfill my interest. I wasn't hearing back from any other job applications besides crappy temp jobs that were all the way in Oakland or Fremont, so this job seemed perfect. I guess everything happens for a reason, maybe I was destined to stay to help my sister pay off the mortgage...or maybe I'm meant to stick to doing something that was related to my major..who knows! I do wonder what would've happened right now if I was in Korea...maybe having the most awesome time of my life..?

Chungdahm Institute

Some other stuff happening in sister just got her degree in California College of the really happy for her...freelancing right now..i hope she finds a nice job soon!

Looking forward to the upcoming months...either I will hate it or love it...I hope I don't mess up or screw up big time at work...hopefully I'll be able to endure the training...tiring yet stimulating...excited to take days off again in July and head back down to socal again to see my socal buddies!

..To finish it off..I just had to post a video of my pets. Some of my friends didn't believe I had this much fish. IMMA PROVE YOU GUYS WRONG! haha...
I'm showing my Marine Bio side of me! They were the size of my pinky when I first got them! Its been like 6 years!

(the whining noise in the background is my dog wanting to play fetch..haha)

Sacramento is now officially my de-stressor spot. My parent's backyard is like one of the most relaxing spots. That's one thing I like about Sactown, the large amount of space you can get for such a cheap price.

You start to appreciate abundance of space when you've been living in a small living room for over a year without your own room.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2010年一開始就發現..去日本的目的 =肥佬啦.!

囉.好多野都係整定.有小小失望日本...依家只可以向前望. 依家有得可以工多幾個月,已經係好事.可惜,日日係到驗 Genentech D玻璃...驗到嘔電. 悶到係唔洗用腦. 總要,好多Quality Control 工作都係咁,...好"重覆性?" 做, 所以我多數就會到打機, 看戲集, 學中文, 睡覺. 真得..(所以今日悶到寫blog寫中文! haha).. 開ah..雖然容易...又有十七美元一個鐘, 已經要開始另外一份工. 因為工作合同只一年. 耐d無可能. 冇計啦.. 真係好希望今年會搵到一份長期穩定的工作. 要好多錢既, 搵到新朋友學到新就好夠啦..


依家多時發熱如果音樂聽, 我真會黐線!



超吸"漂亮"囉! 好自然, 好鍾意佢ah!..好好聽 jpop. BoA and Yui ..hella crackin! ...首歌整到我係到諗..點解搵一個..又吸引,老實, 簡單, 又不要靠化妝品, 的愛情鬼死困難呢????!" :X

依家d生活囉..一放工候多數係: 無-野--做! haha..係上網搵工就去打機..真有小小掛住UCSD大學d曰紙..起馬過陣時忙到真會用腦...依家??? ..懶到書都唔想讀.係..我反醒啦...反醒啦.. 終於開始d有樂趣d活動..繼續做反gym!! 繼續學中文! 打反golf!

講起golf先攪笑!去上youtube搵 golf videos 時候..搵到d超攪笑video笑死!!!!


位-恭喜發財 笑口常開..天天向上!

搵工要有希望..要有忠心...一定可以放氣! !!